Saturday, February 23, 2019

Workout 19.1
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
19 wall ball shots
19-cal. row

Notes: I could easily do this workout RX'd but Jennersville Y does not have any  med balls heavier than 15lbs so I was forced into scaled version.

Strategy: I am pretty good with wall balls, but over the course of 15 minutes could struggle to maintain unbroken sets. Decided to take a planned break from the onset (broke at 11-8). Tried to hold around 1050-1100 calories on the rower. That translated to 1:02-1:05 (271-285m) for the 19 calories each round. I would like to try this again without breaking the wall balls to see if I can improve my score.

205 Total Reps

Accessory Work
5 rounds
30 sec. dead hang from pull-up bar (arms extended)
1 min rest  

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