Sunday, February 17, 2019

Heavy 3

2 Minute Barbell Hold (at hip) (225)
40 Russian KB Swings (44)
40 Russian KB Swings
2 Minute Barbell Hold

Notes: Heavy 3 for the deadlift should be just that -- doesn't mean you need to go for a PR. I was cautious about smoking my grip and back for the holds so I stopped at 275lbs.

The holds should be VERY, VERY challenging to complete unbroken. I opted for RX and think this was a little heavier than I should have gone (maybe 205 next time out) as the longest set was just :33 seconds. RKB was done in sets of 20 & 20 and I subbed 20 HSPU for the 40 dips due to equipment availability.

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