Friday, December 31, 2021

Workout 32 - RowErg - In Sync 
Warm Up:
10 Rounds of...
45 Seconds of Easy Rowing @22 SPM (Strokes Per Minute)
15 Seconds of Power at Increasing SPMs*
*2 Rounds @22, 2 Rounds @24, 2 Rounds @26, 2 Rounds @28, 2 Rounds @30

4 Rounds...
2 Minutes @24 Easy
1 Minute @24 Hard
30 Seconds Hard Speed Burst at Increasing SPMs*
30 Seconds REST
*Round 1 @26, Round 2 @28, Round 3 @30, Round 4 @32

My back was still bothering me a little, but felt better than yesterday. I wanted to push a little bit without blowing up my back and this was the perfect workout for that. I turned the damper down from where I usually work (109 df). In order to get better splits at the same stroke rate you need to drive harder, but slow down the recovery. 

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Workout 87 - RowErg - Festive Endeavor 
Warm up into Workout
5 X 2 Minute Intervals / 1 Minute Rest 
@ 20, 22, 24, 26, 28
Skill Piece 
5 X 1 Minute Intervals: 
Legs only powerful strokes into rowing @ 24
5 X 4 Minute Intervals / 2 Minutes Rest
Easy/Moderate @ 24, Recover @ 20, Work @ 26
The damper will change with each interval: 5 // 8 // 3 // 6 // 1

I slept funny and woke up with a sharp pain in my lower back (right side). This piece calls for more intensity than I was able to bring to today. Dialed it down to a manageable pace while keeping the directed rate/damper changes. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Recovery Row 
7000m as: 
1000m @ 18spm
1500m @ 20spm
2000m @ 22spm
1500m @ 20spm
1000m @ 18spm

Turned the damper down and kept this real chill. My body is still aching from Monday's workout so I just wanted to focus on finding good technique and moving well. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

B.B Sting - For Rounds and Reps 
200m SkiErg
Rest 3:15
Pacing: Send
DF 80

The seemingly inconvenient rest period is meant to entice you to hold a "faster than 4:00 per interval pace" which should be very doable assuming you can recover well enough to truly send each effort.  Warmed up with the DarkHorse 10 minute build then hit this effort. Kept the rate high and the drag on the lower end during each interval. Finished the fifth round with 18 seconds remaining.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Street Parking Saturday 12/25/2021
4 Rounds
25 Burpee
50 Air Squat
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Simple, yet devastating. I scaled to 20/40 reps each round because I haven’t done this volume in a while. 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Row Conditioning
9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose “Select Workout” then “Custom List” then “v1:40/20r…9”.
Rest ~5 mins and repeat.
Today was a beautiful December day (50 degrees the day after Christmas ?!?🎄) and I just wanted to get outside and move. I treated the first time out as a recovery effort with no target pace in mind. Wanted to keep a low rate and just focus on moving well. Felt warmed up after this and decided to run it back again. For the second effort, I decided to start at a stroke rate of 20 and increase plus one with each round. 

Round 1: 3189 meters @ 2:21.1 pace
Round 2: 3311 meters @ 2:15.9 pace
Drag was set to 101 (my machine needs to be cleaned 😐)

Friday, December 24, 2021

Morning Mono
8 Rounds
20 Calorie Echo Bike
15 Calorie SKiErg


The only rest is the walk between machines at the Y. Fastest round on the bike was 1:33 and slowest was 1:39 and just under a kilometer. SkiErg was between :55 and :57 seconds each time out (2:02.5/500m). Heart rate stayed jacked pretty much throughout the entire piece. 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Row Conditioning 
1000m @ 28spm
Rest 2 minutes
1000m @ 26spm
Rest 2 minutes
1000m @ 24spm
Rest 2 minutes
1000m @ 22spm
Rest 2 minutes
1000m @ 20spm

Can you keep the same pace while reducing your stroke rate? Can you get faster? Use this workout to practice maintaining pace while your stroke rate decreases and you fatigue. Choose a pace a bit faster than your 5k pace to start. In the earlier intervals, let the rate control your speed. You'll need to bring the power if you want to keep that pace in the later rounds. Drag was set to 120.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Complete 10 rounds: 
Row for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute.
*Row for 1 minute as many meters as you can, rest one minute.
*Continue this cycle for a total of 20 minutes.

2740 meters rowed
Stroke Rate: Open
🎯: 20 calories per minute
DF: 128

Hit the target on all but the first interval. Need to keep these at 1:50/500m or below with 1200+ cal/hr pace. I rarely spend time at this high of a rate, but I needed to be at 'race rates' to hit the calories target. Similar to “shifting up” in a car, when we increase our stroke rate we open ourselves up to faster splits without blowing our engines.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The 12 Rows of Christmas (@the_row_series)

Pacing recommendations are based off of 2K pace (1:56.7). 

And to all a great night! This was paced and rated pretty close to perfect. I find it a little tougher to hold the 32 or 34 while keeping a long stroke. There is a fine line between selling out and a controlled intensity. One goal of becoming a more efficient rower is to learn how to “control speed with rate”. Basically, we want to be able to control our split times by way of increasing or decreasing the number of strokes we take per minute. A good rule of thumb is 2 s/m equaled 2 seconds of split time.

Monday, December 20, 2021

30 Minute Time Trial 
SCORE: 6852 meters 🏆
DRAG: 123
🎯 7000 meters

To hit the 7000m mark I need to be at a 2:08.5 pace which is my 5K PR. Similar to “shifting up” in a car, when we increase our stroke rate we open ourselves up to faster splits without blowing our engines. For longer sessions it is more efficient to use a higher stroke rate with lower stroke power for a faster overall result.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Row Conditioning
Distance: 5000m
Rate: 20 
DF 113

The rowers at Exton Y don't connect to ErgData and need to be cleaned out in a bad way. Just to reach a DF of 113 I needed to set the damper to nine-and-a-half. Something to remember with low rate training is that the recovery is slower, not the drive. Drive hard and long with good technique and not leaning back too far, then recover slowly and smoothly.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Workout 65 - Ride The Wave 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast

Workout 65: (Active Recovery Workout) This rhythmic ride today will have us rolling through waves of intensity at a variety of different rates.  Our focus is off of maximum power, but finding a different way to build up our stroke count. 
Warm Up:
Easy Rowing without Straps @ 20 Strokes per Minute 
100 Strokes* @20 
100 Strokes* @24
100 Strokes* @28
100 Strokes* @24/@28/@32
*Accumulating 100 strokes by 3 Rounds of 10 easy, 10 moderate, 10 hard; finish out the last 10 strokes easy. There is a brief rest period between each 100 strokes (~60-90 seconds).

This was a fun one to row along with and the waves of 10-10-10 made the time go by very quickly. Paying attention to the overall stroke count really helped me dial in at these different rates. Turned the drag down to 107 for some 'easy' meters and set the monitor to watts to help make sure there was a jump in effort from light>moderate>hard intervals. 
Strength - 
20x25 sec on 15 sec off
*5 of each
1) plate ground to overhead (25lbs)
2) box jumps (20" box)
3) kb strict press (35lbs)
4) v-ups

Conditioning - 
7x 1 minute work // 30 seconds rest 
Rate: 26
🎯 2K pace 
DF 128

The foam plyo box at the WC Y has allowed me to start doing box jumps again. I am still conservative with the height, but it is nice to be able to jump again. For the conditioning piece, no specific pacing instructions were given, but the last time out I held 2K or better at r26. Aim for 80-90% on the minute sprints and paddle lightly during the rest periods. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

This workout from DarkHorse included a warmup and cooldown. Alternating between two minutes push and one minute easy for twenty minutes. Hold the rate at 22 and try to get faster within each two minute window. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Street Parking Program C - Wednesday 11/17/2021 
1000 Meter Row
75 Barbell Power Snatch
1000 Meter Row


This is not an exact time because of the long transition from rower (on the track) to barbell at WC Y. Kept the row somewhat conservative (4:14 & 4:20) while the barbell was a steady burn of 7-8 reps at a time with a short break between. This is basically Randy bookended by a 2K row, woof! 👹👹

Monday, December 13, 2021

Row Conditioning 
5000m with rate changes every 1000m

Warmed up with 10-minute build from DarkHorse (2163m) before hitting this piece from the Concept2 workout of the day archives. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Five Rounds 
4 front squats @ 135-pounds
20 handstand shoulder taps 
40-foot sled drag
40-foot sled push
Rest 3:00
Sled weight should be on the line of whether you can stay unbroken or not. 

Duration: Short
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach

This was written as a 25 minute AMRAP with 6 wall walks instead of shoulder taps. Opted for a set number of rounds since the equipment is spaced out all over the Y. This was the first time in a long time that I did squats with any kind of loading. I was conservative on the chosen weight (workout called for 70%) -- with just four reps, 165-185 would probably be more appropriate. Sled weight was 192lbs - used a 45, 35 and 25-pound plate along with the 87-pound sled. The drag should be a backwards pull. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Workout 8 - RowErg - Power Pyramid  
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

Warm Up (12 Minutes) Test the Waters
 4 X 2:30 Work Intervals with :30 Rest in between
1 Min @ 22, 1 Min @ 24, 30 Secs @ 26
1 Min @ 24, 1 Min @ 26, 30 Secs @ 28
1 Min @ 26, 1 Min @ 28, 30 Secs @ 30
1 Min @ 28, 1 Min @ 30, 30 Secs @ 32

Workout (28 Minutes) Power Pyramid
14 x 2:00 work intervals with no rest in between
2:00 // 1:45 // 1:30 // 1:15 // 1:00 // 0:45 // 0:30 // 0:30 // 0:45 // 1:00 / 1:15 // 1:30 // 1:45 // 2:00

Rate: 24
DF: 120
🎯 175 watts or higher for all intervals (2:06/500m pace)

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

4 'Giant' Sets: 
500m SkiErg
15 abmat butterfly situps
21 banded good mornings (red mini-band)
Rest 1 minute between sets 

This was designed to be a recovery session. Held a lower rate on the SkiErg while still keeping close to my 2k pace. The midline work was all unbroken with a focus on moving well rather than quickly. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

5x bench press @ 175lbs
1 minute SkiErg 
2 minute rest
(264, 253, 253, 250, 251m)

Handstand Push-ups
[based on max unbroken set] 
5 unbroken: 4-3-3-2-1
10 unbroken: 9-8-7-6-5
15 unbroken: 12-10-8-6-4

Drag was set to 87 and I didn't really put in a proper warmup. These numbers don't compare favorably to last time out although I did use a heavier barbell this time. I didn't record that workout with ErgData so I can't see the drag or rate I used for those sprints. Finished up with some handstand pushups which I was able to keep unbroken -- rest as needed between sets. Rest was around 90 seconds or so. 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Workout 38 - RowErg - 100% Better  
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast

Time Pyramid @ 27 Stroke Rate with 1 Minute Rest between Work Efforts. Drag set to 126.

Give this one your 100%.  The segments grow longer to the peak of this pyramid. However, they grow harder as we work down the other side. That 27 rate was faster than what I am used to for this kind of volume. 

Sunday, December 5, 2021

20 minutes as: 
Minute 1 - 18 spm
Minute 2 - 18 spm
Minute 3 - 20 spm
Minute 4 - 22 spm
Minute 5 - 24 spm
Minute 6 -  26 spm
Minute 7 - 20 spm
Minute 8 - 20 spm
Minute 9 - 22 spm
Minute 10 - 24 spm
Minute 11 - 26 spm
Minute 12 - 20 spm
Minute 13 - 22 spm
Minute 14 - 24 spm
Minute 15 - 26 spm
Minute 16 - 20 spm
Minute 17 - 22 spm
Minute 18 - 24 spm
Minute 19 - 26 spm
Minute 20 - 18 spm

Rowed along with another Dark Horse vid. This was Monday's workout from Week 2 of Rowvember. In this Rowvember workout, we're teaching you how to work on those gears! Yep, you heard me - rowing has gears! Well, kind of… we have that wonderful metric of how fast you can move up and down the monorail, and what better way to test your control of that than have you hit a solid 20 minutes of working through those SPMs with a good little push right at the end. 

Friday, December 3, 2021

Strength -  
20x25 sec on 15 sec off
*5 of each
1) med ball deadlift
2) pushups
3) med ball squat
4) hollow hold (*option to hold med ball)

Used 20# Rogue med ball. Held the med ball on my shoulder for the squats. Did not exercise the option to hold the med ball with the hollow holds as :25 hollow hold is already death 👿. 

Conditioning - 
4x 3 minutes on 1:15 minutes off
Intervals 1&2 - 24 spm @ 2k plus 12
Intervals 3&4 - 26spm @ 2k plus 8
2K Pace: 1:56.6
DF 128

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Row Conditioning
Time Intervals
10x 1:00 work // 1:00 rest at r24
🎯: 2K (1:56.6)
DF 135 

It was a challenge to hold 2K pace at a 24 stroke rate but I hit the target on exactly half of the ten intervals. The focus on rate and pace has been paying off - I feel as though I am able to better generate power regardless of the chosen rate. Power through efficiency. 

Accessory Work
5 rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45lb barbell)
1 minute rest

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

5 Rounds 
20 calorie SkiErg
5 hang power cleans (135)
10 db bench press (50s)

Limit rest time to walk/transition to each station. Held a conservative pace on the SkiErg and kept the cleans and bench sets all unbroken. The knurling on the bar at the Y was AGGRO AF which made the SkiErg that much tougher. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Workout 57 - RowErg - Start Fast, Finish Strong 
Make friends with resistance. Let it grow your strength, build your capacity, and expose opportunities to go beyond what you know. The resistance will come several times over in this workout and you will be prepared to meet it.
Warm Up:
Gradually building in speed and intensity 
1 Minute @20
1 Minute @22
1 Minute @24
1 Minute @26
1 Minute @28 
1 Minute Rest before Workout
3 Rounds of Max Calories 
1 Minute @28
1 Minute @26
1 Minute @24
1 Minute @22
1 Minute @20 
1 Minute Rest between rounds
Stroke Rate begins high and descends, but work to keep your power output up trying to exceed total cals with each round. 
Cool Down:
5 Minute @20

Monday, November 29, 2021

Row Pyramid
Time: 4 // 3 // 2 // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 minutes
SPM: 16 // 18 // 20 // 22 // 20 // 18 // 16
DF: 120 

Low does not always equal slow. With rates in the teens, it is up to you to bring the power. Written as two rounds, but I had an 8:30 meeting and needed to cap at just one round today. 

CashOut: 40 Evil Wheels

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Row Conditioning 
"1/2 of a 1/2"
400m // 200m // 400m // 200m // 400m // 200m // 400m // 200m // 
1 minute rest between each interval

Aim to row the 400m @ 30spm and 200m as fast as possible. This workout put me over the 1 million meter mark for 2021 🥂🥂. Solid efforts on both distances. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

5 rounds, not for time: 
15 rep deadlift alternating with a 350m ski
Plenty of rest between efforts

DL: 135 // 155 // 175 // 185 // 195-pounds
SkiErg: 1:25.9 // 1:25.4 // 1:25.7 // 1:25.8 // 1:25.9 

These are complementary movements, with a focus on strength endurance and anaerobic to aerobic intervals. Simple and effective. Drag was set to 94 and all rounds were between 42-45 spm.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Row Intervals 
2:00 rest 
2:00 rest
DF 120

Nice Turkey Day workout following along with Darkhorse Rowing vid. This was the first workout from Rowvember. Hold 28spm throughout and try to get faster with each interval. Happy with this consistency and oh so close to those 2:00 splits. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

"Magic Bike" - For Time 
22 Echo Bike Calories
Rest 5:00
28 Echo Bike Calories
Rest 5:00
22 Echo Bike Calories
Score is total working time

Total Time: 2:58 

There is really no substitute for bike sprints. You just need to spend time in the pain cave to get better at these. With that said, there are some things you can do to ensure you are setting yourself up to get the most of these: 
1. Be sure you have warmed your body up properly. 
2. Set the seat at the right height -- leg should be almost fully extended without being locked out. 
3. Use your arms!

Cash Out:
Rogue Wheel Challenge
Static Front Hold w/ 25# plate for as long as possible
Time: 45 seconds

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Rowing Intervals 
Get on your Concept 2 -> Press Menu -> Select Workout -> Custom List, and select v1:00/1:00r..7 ! Take it for a ride for 7 intervals.


Time: 16 minutes
Distance: 4005 meters
Drag Factor: 122

The objective should be to create some muscular endurance. This is earned by effort not by speed. My goal was to hold a stroke rate at or under 24 while striving for a 2:00/500m pace. A secondary goal should be to match or improve the distance recorded on way up during your trip back down the ladder.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Row Conditioning  
12 minutes as: 6 minutes r20, 6 minutes r26
3 minutes rest
12 minutes as: 6 minutes r20, 6 minutes r26

This comes courtesy of DarkHorse Rowvember programming. There wasn't any clear pacing instructions and I went too slow on the r20 intervals. Low stroke rate does not always mean a lack of speed -- add power to each stroke to keep a strong pace (think 2K plus 12-14). 

Tabata DB Overhead Hold @ 12.5lbs - press those babies up there, get the biceps by the ears, keep the belly tight 
3X20 Weighted Hollow Rocks (hold 10lb med ball above head)

Friday, November 19, 2021

A: Bench Press 
6-6-5-5-4-4 reps

B: Handstand Push-ups
[based on max unbroken set] 
5 unbroken: 4-3-3-2-1
10 unbroken: 9-8-7-6-5
15 unbroken: 12-10-8-6-4

Was conservative with the reps here since my shoulders and triceps were fried from yesterdays SkiErg workout. Don't be afraid to try the 10s rep scheme next time out. Remember to ALWAYS press fast. The only time you should press slow out of the bottom is when you are trying to grind out 1 or 2 last reps. 

C: Row Intervals 
4x200m repeats: damper 1 (DF 79)
rate 36+
variable rest, up to 3 minutes between efforts

switch to damper 10, easy row for at least 3 minutes

4x200m repeats: damper 10 (DF 185)
open rate (22) 
variable rest, up to 3 minutes between efforts

switch damper to your preference
4x200m repeats: damper 10 (DF 185)
open rate (26)
variable rest, up to 3 minutes between efforts

RPE goal: 9-10

Pay attention to how the light damper allows you to focus on higher rates - note that the damper 1 has a MINIMUM rate requirement of r36 -- this is to ensure that you use your rate to find speed. Switching to damper 10, take at least 3 minutes to row easy and feel the difference - now the front end is going to feel much heavier and the leg drive will be slower. Once you start your 200m efforts, focus on a solid catch and steady press of the legs to maintain speed. For the final set, place the damper to where you are most comfortable for 200m sprints and get after it.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

20 Minute Chill Recovery Row
Time: 20 minutes
Rate: 18
Pace: 2:30/500m

It was such a rare beautiful November day (high 60s) that I needed to get outside and put some meters on the machine. This chill relaxing effort from Dark Horse was perfect as my body needed something low and slow to help recover from a tough last few days of training. Followed this up with a lower body targeted stretch session. 
For Time: SkiErg 
First 800 @ 85% 
Last 200 @ 90%
2 minute rest between rounds 
Rest until fully recovered 
4X20 calorie sprints
Rest :90 seconds between each interval

There were actually 6 rounds of the 20 cal sprints programmed but my arms were jacked and I quit after just 4 rounds. Drag was set to 90.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Row Conditioning 
36 minute steady state, as follows:
Every 4:30, row 30 seconds at 30spm and the remaining four minutes at 20spm
Start with 30 seconds at 30spm
DF 120 
🎯 1000m each interval

A good rule of thumb for a 30 minute effort is 2K plus 15. To be able to hit the 1000m goal I would need to average 2:15/500m. 

3x12 SA KB Press (35#) 
4x 12+:10 Hollow Rocks + Hold

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

SkiErg Time Intervals 
16 Rounds
1:00 work // 1:00 rest
Rate: 40 
🎯 2K pace
DF 86

Overall a strong effort. I am still learning how to pace and hit target rates on the SkiErg. There were a couple of rounds where I messed up, but otherwise this was very consistent. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

SkiErg Conditioning
9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
This is a preset WOD on the C2 SkiErg. Choose “Select Workout” then “Custom List” then “v1:40/20r…9”.
Record total meters, best/worst split.

15:00 minutes
3308 meters skied
Best Split: 2.14.4
Worst Split: 2:17.6
DF 79
"Low: High"  
8 x 2 mins 
Spend the first minute at a lower rate and then step up to a higher rate for the second minute
1: r20-->r24
1: r22-->r26
1: r24-->r28
1: r26-->r30
1: r22-->r26
1: r24-->r28
1: r26-->r30
1: r28-->r32
1 minute rest between rounds

Friday, November 12, 2021

3 Rounds
20 Unbroken Wall Balls 
Bike 15 Cal 
20 Box Jumps
Bike 15 Cal 
Rest 2 Minutes between Rounds
*15 Air Squat Penalty if you break during WBs - Just knock them out and start back where you left off on the WBs

WB: 14-pounds; Foam Box: 20-inch; Echo Bike

I was conservative with the weight on the wall balls since I had not done these in a while. Unbroken was never in doubt -- should have gone with an 18-20# ball instead. The Y has the foam plyo box so I felt emboldened to test my knee with actual box jumps. Broke the box jumps at the halfway point each round but otherwise felt good and still feeling good a couple of hours later. 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

8 Rounds 
100m ski
Rest 2:40
Pacing: Send
🎯 20 seconds or less
DF 170 (damper 10)

Send it every single round. Hit my target in half the intervals and saved the best for last. 

Body Armor
4 Giant Sets
9-7-5-3: barbell bench press @ 135lbs
30 banded triceps push downs (two hands, black band)

Bench was too light - even with my triceps being smoked from the SkiErg and banded pushdowns. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

SkiErg Conditioning 
2 Rounds
8 minutes work 
4 minutes rest
🎯 2K pace (2:14)
DF 83

Held a lower rate and paced this conservatively knowing there were two rounds. Happy with the consistency, but need to be a little faster. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Workout 80 - RowErg - Speed Play 
Taken straight off the 400m track, this workout style is known to most runners as Fartlek training. A Swedish term roughly translated to mean speed play, and that is just what we get to do. This mixed bag of intensities repeated in sequence helps build our fitness and endurance.
30x0:50/0:10r row broken into 10 rounds as follows
50 seconds hard, 10 second transition
50 seconds moderate, 10 second transition
50 seconds recovery, 10 second transition

The first set will be a warmup with a minute at each 24-24-20 rate then you'll alternate between a set at 24-22-20 , 26-24-20 and 28-26-20 for a total of 9 more sets (3 each). You should keep paddling during the :10 transition periods to find the next prescribed rate. 

Monday, November 8, 2021

SkiErg Conditioning 
8 rounds of :30 work // :90 rest
3 minute rest and repeat for a second round
Try to match or exceed splits from first round during second
DF: 118 
🎯 1:52.5/500m 

Tough morning. You'll do 8 intervals of :30 // :90 then rest 3 minutes and do it all over again. 

Friday, November 5, 2021

ENDURANCE | WEEK 04 | 01/17/2021 
Row Version:
1 Mile Sled Drag
4K Row
Score is total time.

Load the sled with 75% of your bodyweight. Used Rogue Echo Dog Sled (87lbs empty) and loaded (2) 45-pound plates for a total weight of 177lbs. Scaled the distance for sled drag to 1000m. Had no push at all through my legs during the first 1000m on the rower. Kept the pace conservative during most of the row, with a big push over the last 800m. 

Sled Pull: 21:00
4000m Row: 18:48.5
Total Time: 39:48.5

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Shoulder press 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Used 135lbs across the board. Bar was taken from the rack, should have cleaned this from the floor each time instead. Probably could go a little heavier, but did not have any wraps and this felt right for the volume.
Row Conditioning
500m (comfortable pace)
1 min rest
1000m (same pace)
2 min rest
1500m (same pace)
3 min rest
1000m (beat your 1500m pace)
1 min rest
500m (comfortable pace)
2 min rest
1000m (beat your 1000m pace)
1 min rest
250m (beat your 500m pace)

The first half of this workout is designed to get you warmed up and comfortable with putting some meters on the monitor. As you come down the other side, things look a little different. Push the pace as the pieces get shorter. The goal is to be able to get faster each of these intervals while maintaining 24 spm. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

5 Rounds 
21 Calorie SkiErg
75 Heavy Rope Singles
Rest 3:00
Pacing: Reach

Each round is meant to be done at a pace that feels too fast when considering the total volume of work. Ski at an aggressive pace but stay composed so that you can immediately pick up your jump rope and get to work. When jumping rope don't give into that inner voice telling you to rest, push through! Broke the jump rope during the first round, otherwise kept it unbroken. The pump in my forearms from the combination of ski/heavy rope was real. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

From Crossfit Football: E Caf 
Complete 10 rounds:
Row for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute..
Stroke Rate: 20
🎯 pace: 2:00/500m or lower
DF: 121

This vid from DH Rowing will show you how to improve force per stroke and overall rowing strength on the c2 rower with this doozy of a reverse pick drill! 

This rowing drill consists of the following: 
Stroke rating: 16
Damper Setting: 10
Legs Only: 5
Legs and Body: 10
Full Slides: 15

This is the perfect drill to help you do an analysis on your mental and physical rowing game because it's gonna get reallll tough to keep your spm right at 16 when your body wants to give in. But we promise, this drill works and will only make you a stronger athlete and rower! 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Ski Series II - Event I - Guardians of the Galaski 
Ski 100m
Rest 30 seconds
Ski 100m
Rest 30 seconds
Ski 100m
Rest 30 seconds
Ski 750m
Rest 30 seconds
Ski 100m
Rest 30 seconds
Ski 100m
Rest 30 seconds
Ski 100m
1A: 750m time (3:11.8)
1B: Total time (5:30.4)

3 rounds
20 seated db press (40#) - use a single db with a hand on each head
20 banded triceps extension - black band at Airport Rd Y
rest 30 seconds between each set

Sunday, October 31, 2021

ENDURANCE | WEEK 45 | 10/31/2021 
Row Version
Row 4000 Meters - Easy Pace
No Rest
Row 2000 Meters - Moderate Pace
Total: 6000 Meters

Score: Total time (26:44.0)
DF 124

Goal: Easy pace should be comfortable. Moderate pace should be harder than that.
Rough Estimate on Time Goal:
4000 Meters - Around / Under 20-22 Min
2000 Meters - Around / Under 9-10 Min
This workout teaches us to pace early (not peacock) and finish strong.

Compare to April 1 2021

Friday, October 29, 2021

Stroke Rate Pyramids
2 Rounds 
10:00 work // 2:00 rest

During the first 10 minutes, we'll be increasing stroke rates each minute as we climb that pyramid, from 18 to 30 (by 2's) and then back down to a 26 followed by a 22 and finishing at 18 strokes per minute. For the second interval we will spend two minutes at each stroke rate with the first minute at low intensity and adding some power during the second minute. Begin at r20 and increase to 24 then 28 before coming back down to a 26 and finishing at 22.

Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Notes: Held 205lbs across all sets. Tried to focus on being fast on the way up for all reps. Was conservative with the weight which was the right call as this was challenging enough. Bench was done before the row as there was someone using the rower when I got to the Y. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

30/30 Intervals on C2 Rower 

10 minutes 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off
Open pace and rate
Average Rate: 37
DF: 99
Average Pace: 1:52.6

Try to match or exceed your pace from the first round in each subsequent round. Your start is so important in a workout like this. Practice your sprint start for moments like these. 
Slam n' Ski
30-20-10 reps, alternating:
Slam Ball (20#)
SkiErg cals 

10:02.9 (4:16.9 SkiErg time)
DF 82

Both the slam ball and SkiErg contain a large lat engagement component; choose a drag that allows you to rely more on cardio than strength. 

5:00 AMRAP
5 Front Plate Raises
10 Plate Bicep Curls
5 Plate Presses 
Held 25# plate and finished five full sets. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Row Mania Event 1 "Summer Slam" 
Row 700m 
No Rest
Row 300m
Rest 1 minute
Row 700m 
No Rest
Row 300m
Rest 1 minute
Row 700m 
No Rest
Row 300m
Rest 5 minutes
Row 1000m

Score A: Slowest 700m (3:10.3)
Score B: Slowest 300m (1:19.9)
Score C: 1000m time (3:59.2)
40 V-Ups 
75 Calorie SkiErg (5:47.9 // 1273m)
40 Med Ball Sit-ups (10#)
75 Calorie SkiErg (5:47.0 // 1273m)

As written by Misfit Athletics, this is 50/40/30 GHDs interspersed with 100/80/60 calories on the SkiErg. There is no GHD at WC YMCA so I did my best to maintain the stimulus of taxing my midline with hip driven movements. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Skeleton Crew Challenge Day 1  
9:00 steady interval
Increase rate OT3M (20, 22 & 24)
3 rounds of 3:00 work // 2:00 rest
r24 across all intervals with increasing power

9 rounds of 1:00 work/ 1:00 rest
r26 across all intervals - maintain or increase power

DF 118 for all intervals