Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Complete 10 rounds:
3 Hang Snatches @ 115lbs
10 Evil Wheels

No time kept. This was done at roughly 80%. Wanted to make sure I hit all lifts. All rounds still unbroken. Great way to end 2014.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

5:00 cap - Snatches
10 @ 65#
10 @ 95#
10 @ 115#

Completed all reps in 4:50. Workout completed at No Excuses.
A: EMOM for 7:00-
3 UB T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks*
*Begin at 60% of 1RM Clean and add weight each minute until you can no longer complete 3 reps. When 3 reps are no longer possible subtract 10-20# and complete the remainder of the EMOM.
*Sequence ends on 5th set of BS.
B: Back Squat (Based on 1RM Squat): 1X5@50%, 1X5@60%, 1X5@65%, 1X5@70%, 1X5@65% – rest exactly 90 seconds
C: 4XME Strict UB HSPU – rest exactly 90 seconds

A: 110-120-135-145-155-160lbs (based off 185lb C&J)
B: 150-180-195-210-195lbs (based off 300lb Back Squat)
C: 14-10-11-8 HSPUS

Monday, December 29, 2014

EMOM for 7:00-
5 Power Snatches*
*Begin at 50% of 1RM Snatch and add weight each minute until you can no longer complete 5 reps. When 5 reps are no longer possible subtract 10-20# and complete the remainder of the EMOM.


Note: Did workout at No Excuses. Limited plate selection did not allow me to go higher than 115lbs. Although last rep of each 115lb set was difficult. 

Four rounds for time of:
100 foot Walking lunge (BW)
25 Box jump, 24 inch box
20 Wallball shots, 15 pound ball
10 Handstand push-ups

Absolutely awful WOD. Legs were smoked at the end...

Sunday, December 28, 2014

5 RFT:

7 Hang Cleans @ 115lbs
14 KB Swings @ 44lbs


Note: Workout done at No Excuses. Used new KB Lauren bought me for Christmas.

Friday, December 26, 2014


30 Squat Snatches For Time. Used 95lbs

3:33 PR!!
From Crossfit Football; Half E Caf
Complete 5 rounds: (As Rx'd is 10 rounds)
Row for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute.
*Row for 1 minute as many meters as you can, rest one minute.
*Continue this cycle for a total of 10 minutes.
*Your score is the total amount of meters rowed - goal is row at least 1400 meters
*Penalty is 1 handstand push up for every 5 meters under 1400 meters.
Post total meters rowed and if any penalties were assessed.

Note: Initially set out to complete as rx'd, however, arms fatigued quickly. Lowest split was 265 meters, greatest was 274. 

3 Power Cleans (touch & go) + 2 Front Squats + 1 Push Jerk: 5 attempts to establish a max for the complex – rest as needed

Note: You may rest as long as you’d like with the bar in the front rack, but to complete the complex the cleans must be unbroken touch & go, and the bar may not stop on the floor.

Push Press: 5 attempts to establish a 3RM – rest as needed

50 Hollow Rocks

A: 1352 meters rowed; penalty was 10 HSPU. 
B: 165lbs
C: 185lbs (used wrist wraps)  

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A: Hang Clean (from power position): 5 attempts to work to a max single.
B: Jerk (from rack): 5 attempts to work to a max single.

C: 3 attempts at a Max Distance UB HS Shoulder Taps – rest as needed between attempts

A: 180lbs. Failed at 185lbs on fourth attempt.
B: 215lbs. Failed at 225lbs on final attempt.
C: 32-31-26 HS Shoulder Taps

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

3 rounds for total time of:
10 Power Snatches 75#
15 10” Target Burpees (touch a target 10” above highest reach)
10 Power Snatches 75#
20 Wall Ball Shots 15#
-Rest 2 minutes-

Score is total time including both rest periods.


Finish with 50 Evil Wheels.

Monday, December 22, 2014

HSPU Biatholon

400m Run
400m Run
400m Run
Each time the athlete breaks a set of HSPU they must run a 200-meter lap.

All sets unbroken. No penalties. Run was indoor on treadmill, speed varied from 8.0-8.5mph. Run was terrible. Stopped multiple times on laps 2 and 3 due to higher than normal heart rate.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

EMOM for 10:00 minutes
2 T&G Power Snatches @ 80% (of max PS)

Used 115lbs
Workout done at No Excuses
A: Double Grace

60 Clean & Jerks, anyhow @ 95lbs


B: 21-15-9 Reps Of:
Hollow Rocks
Arch Rocks
Evil Wheels

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

1a) 5X2 Paused Back Squats (3 count pause at absolute rock-bottom depth) – rest 60 sec.
1b) 3X2@80% Push Press + Hold (3 count lockout hold overhead) – rest 90 sec.

2 rounds
500m row
25 DB Thrusters@ 32.5lbs

A: 205lbs
B: 165lbs

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

1) 5X1@80% (of max for complex) High Pull (from floor) + Hang Snatch (power position) – rest as needed (Use totals from 12/12)
2) 5X1@80% (of max for complex) Hang Clean (power position) + Front Squat + Jerk – rest as needed (Use totals from 12/12)
BB Cycling
3X5 UB Squat Cleans @ 65% (of max Clean) – rest 90 sec.
30 Burpee Box Jumps 24″ (Bumper Plate On Small Plyo Box)

A: 110lbs
B: 140lbs
C: 120lbs

Monday, December 15, 2014

Back Off Week

1) 5X1@80% Snatch – rest as needed
2) 5X1@80% Clean + Jerk – rest as needed
BB Cycling
3X5 UB Squat Snatches @ 65% (of max Snatch) – rest 90 sec.
9 Power Cleans 115lbs
15 Dips

A: 110lbs
B: 145lbs
C: 90lbs

Friday, December 12, 2014

A: 5X1 Snatch High-Pull + 1 Hang Snatch (high pull from floor – hang snatch from power position) – work to a max for the complex, rest as needed
B: 5X1 Hang Clean (power position) + Front Squat + Jerk – work to a max for the complex, rest as needed
C: 5X3 Strict Pullups

A: 115-120-125-130-135lbs
B: 135-155-165-170-175lbs

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Hollow Jorge

For time:
30 Hollow Rocks
15 Hang Squat Cleans
24 Hollow Rocks
12 Hang Squat Cleans
18 Hollow Rocks
9 Hang Squat Cleans
12 Hollow Rocks
6 Hang Squat Cleans
6 Hollow Rocks
3 Hang Squat Cleans

Note: Hang Squat Cleans @ 95lbs

Midline March -- 3RFT:

20 V-Ups (holding bender ball)
40 HS Shoulder Taps
20 OWLS @ 35lbs


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

20 OHS
40 KB Swings
15 OHS
30 KB Swings
10 OHS
20 KB Swings
10 KB Swings

Used 115lbs for OHS and 35lbs for KB Swings
Must Snatch Barbell From Ground

Monday, December 8, 2014

3 Rounds of:
Bulgarian Split Squat, 8 Reps Each Leg w/ 25lb KB in each hand
30 Second Rest
60 Seconds HS Hold

50-40-30-20-10 reps of :
Double Unders (3:1 Singles)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

10 Min EMOM
1 SQT Clean (80%)
3 Burpees Over Bar

*Used 145lbs for SQT Cleans

50 Evil Wheels

*Used barbell with 5lb weights as EVIL WHEEL in use.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

7 rounds for time of:
1 clean and jerk attempt
35 double-unders (3:1 singles) 
You have two scores.  The total amount of weight lifted and the total time it took for all 7 rounds.  If you miss an attempt, you can not try again.  The opportunity to lift that round is over.  So pick your weight wisely.  You can not change your weight once the clock has started.

A: 1155lbs (Hit all lifts @ 165lbs)
B: 11:08

30 Hollow Rocks
:30 Hollow Holds x 2
30 Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

65-pound Power Snatch, 75 reps for time.


Note: As Rx'd is 75-pound, workout done at No Excuses. Used 65-pound due to availability.
A: Bench Press 8x3 @ 80% (225lbs) - used 180lbs for each set
(6) Weighted Pistols between efforts - used 20lb KB
B: 5x3 Pullups
C: 30 Reps Each:
Hollow Rocks
Arch Rocks

Monday, December 1, 2014

A: Every :30 seconds for 10 minutes:

(1) Squat Snatch @ 135lbs

Note: This workout comes courtesy of Outlaw Crossfit. To complete this workout as Rx, you must complete all 20 reps @ 135lbs. If you cannot do 135lbs for the entire workout, scale accordingly. Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you take off weight, you can not add weight back on.

Finished all (20) reps @ 115lbs outside at No Excuses.
2011 Regional Event 1

Run 1000 meters
30 Handstand Push-ups
Row 1000 meters

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Power Isabel
30 Hang Power Snatches @ 95lbs -- 2:09 (PR!!)

Note: Workout done at No Excuses

Friday, November 28, 2014

1) 5X1 Clean – work to a max single for the day (no more than 5 attempts), rest as needed
2) 5X1 Push Jerk – work to a max single for the day (no more than 5 attempts), rest as needed
BB Cycling
1) 3X3 UB Hang Squat Cleans (full) from the Power Position – rest 90 sec.
2) 1XME T&G Squat Cleans (full) from floor @ 95% of max triple from #1

5 rounds for total working time of:
20 Row for Calories
15 Pistols (alternating)
10 Shoulder to Overhead 85#
Rest 1:00

A: 155-165-170-175-185lbs (PR)
B: 185-195-205-215-225lbs (PR)
C: 135-155-165lbs
D: (6) reps @ 155lbs

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A:EMOM for 5:00- (2) T&G Power Snatches
*Begin at approximately 80% of 1rm Power Snatch & add load each minute. One miss is allowed – more than one miss, lower weight.

B: EMOM for 5:00-
(2) T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks
*Begin at approximately 80% of 1rm Power Clean & Push Jerk & add load each minute. One miss is allowed – more than one miss, lower weight.

C: (2) Rounds of:
30 HS Shoulder Taps
30 Splits Jumps (each jump = 1 rep)
30 KBS 16kg (35lbs)

A: 110-115-125-130-130lbs
B: 145-150-155-160-165lbs

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

A: 5X1 Snatch – work to a max single for the day (no more than 5 attempts), rest as needed
B: 5X1 Clean + Jerk – work to a max single for the day (no more than 5 attempts), rest as needed
BB Cycling
C: 3XME UB Snatches (full squat) @ 80% (of max Snatch) – rest 90 sec.
D: 4X3 Front Squats – work to a near 3rm (final set should be close to a 3rm, but no misses), rest 2:00
E: 4X5 Tempo (3 count pause at bottom/top)  Dips – rest 2:00

A: 115X2; 135X2; 140(f)
B: 140; 155; 165; 170; 180lbs (New PR!)
C: 6-7-9 Reps @ 105lbs
D: 185-195-205-215lbs

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

A: 5x1@80% Snatch -- 115lbs --rest as needed
B: 3x3@80% Hang Squat Snatches -- 115lbs -- rest 90 sec. 

C: 5 rounds for time of:
20 Calorie Row
20 Wall Balls 20#


Note: Wall Balls performed in youth area by plyo boxes. Time includes walk to and from rower. 
A: 2x1000m Row; 2 minute rest between
- 3:57.2
- 3:59.6

B: 12 Minutes to 1RM Snatch
- 140lbs (matched a PR)

C: 75 Hollow Rocks

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A: Push Jerk
3 @ 65% - 135lbs
3 @ 70% - 147.5lbs
3 @ 75% - 157.5lbs
3 @ 80% - 170lbs

B: 9-15-21 RFT:
Thrusters@ 85lbs


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A: 5x1 Squat Clean @ 80% - 135lbs - rest as needed
B: 4x3 Push Press + Hold (3 count lockout hold overhead) 145(x2) 155(x2) – rest 90 sec.

C: 6RDS:
95lb Squat Snatches, 3 Reps
24" Box Jumps, 6 Reps

D: 60 Hollow Rocks
E: 40 Arch Rocks

Monday, November 17, 2014

A: Power Snatch: 4X3 – work to a 3RM, rest as needed
B: Power Clean & Push Jerk: 4X3 – work to a 3RM, rest as needed

A: 105-115-125-130lbs
B: 130-145-155-155lbs

Friday 11/14 @ No Excuses

EMOM 10:

115 pound Snatches, 2 Reps

Friday, November 14, 2014

“Nasty Girls”
3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
135 pound Hang Power Cleans, 10 reps


50 Hollow Rocks
50 Arch Rocks

*Hold 4 pound PVC overhead during each 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

2014 Regionals Event 4

21-15-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Strict HSPU
Front Squats 115#
Bar Facing Burpees

Time cap: 20 minutes

Finished 9 Front Squats & 4 Burpees

Friday, November 7, 2014

21-15-9 reps of:

Evil Wheels
Box Jumps @ 20"
Push-ups - Games Standard

Note: Outside at No Excuses Crossfit
20 V-Ups (holding 4lb medicine ball)
20 OWLS @ 45lbs
20 Burpees

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A: Hang Clean 21-15-9-6 reps

Use weight that can be completed UB for the round. Try to go up in weight each round. 3 minutes rest between efforts. 


B: Tabata Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Complete 5 rounds:
25 lbs Overhead Walking Lunge – 20 reps (10 RT/ 10 LT)
Sprint 200 yards

*Workout at Springer Track
*Rest 3 minutes between rounds. (Walk back to Slam Ball)
*Use a 25lb slam ball for overhead walking lunges.
*Back knee has to touch the ground to count as a rep.
*As Rx'd is 45lb plate and 30 lunges per round. 
A: Bench Press 6 x2

B: For Time:
Row 60 cals (915 meters rowed in this time)
40 Pistols (alternating legs)

Monday, November 3, 2014

5X1 Snatch from blocks – work to a max single for the day (no more than 5 attempts), rest as needed
BB Cycling
1) 3X3 UB Hang Snatches – rest 90 sec.
2) 1XME T&G Hang Snatches @ 95% of max triple from #1

A: 115-125-130-135-135lbs
B: 115-120-125lbs
C: 8 Reps @ 117.5

 4×0:20 Box Shoulder Stretch + 8 Immediate PVC Raises after each set.
Skills and Drills
With Stomach Against Wall, Complete 3 Rounds, not for time, of:
0:20 HS Hold
20 HS Shoulder Tap

Friday, October 31, 2014

8 x 250m Row; 1 minute rest between efforts

1: 58.0 | 5: 59.7
2: 56.5 | 6: 57.4
3: 57.1 | 7: 55.8
4: 56.6 | 8: 56.4

Total Time: 7:37.6

Today's focus is executing a 2000m race plan at high intensity. This should not be an all out 250m max row, but rather a calculated effort at a split close to what you think your current 2000m split would be. The goal is to pull the lowest split possible, consistently through all 8 intervals.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A: Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2

B: Tabata Squats
20-18-17-17-15-16-14-16 reps

immediately into,

C: 400m Run For Time

Note: Run was done around perimeter of Y building. Roughly 400 meters.

Monday, October 27, 2014

A: 21-15-9 reps of:
Hang Snatches, 65#

B: Flexibility
4x0:20 Box Shoulder Stretch

C: Static Shaping
3x0:30 Arch Hold w/ 4lb PVC
3x0:30 Hollow Hold w/ 4lb PVC

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Eight Rounds:

7 Box Jumps @ 24"
5 Push Presses @ 95lbs
3 Front Squats @ 95lbs

Workout done at No Excuses.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

10:00 Minute AMRAP:

DB Snatches @ 40lbs (alternate arms every 20 reps)

-then (no rest)-

10:00 Row for distance

A: 120 reps
B: 1951 meters

Notes: This week was pull, pull, pull all week long. I was smoked by the time I got onto the rower. 10 minutes were broken multiple times to shake out my arms.

Finished up with 50 Hollow Rocks holding 4lbs PVC overhead

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

For Time: (12 minute time cap)

1-10 Hang Cleans @ 95lbs
10-1 Ball Slams @ 25lbs
A: 3x5 Weighted Pistols @ 25lbs

B: 6 RFT:
135lb Front Squats, 3 Reps
24" Box Jumps, 6 Reps

Must clean bar from the ground.

C: 1:00 Each Of:
Hollow Hold w/PVC overhead
Arch Hold w/PVC overhead

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

65-pound Power Snatch, 75 reps for time.

Note: As Rx'd is 75-pound, workout done at No Excuses. Used 65-pound due to availability.
For Time:
200 Jump Ropes
95-lb Front Squats, 21 reps
95-lb Push Press, 21 reps
200 Jump Ropes
95-lb Front Squats, 15 reps
95-lb Push Press, 15 reps
200 Jump Ropes
95-lb Front Squats, 9 reps
95-lb Push Press, 9 reps

Note: Mainsite WOD FRIDAY 141010. Porch Scaling.

Friday, October 17, 2014

EMOM for 15 minutes:

12 Calorie Row
8 Snatches @ 95lbs
90 Singles

*Alternate each movement each minute.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

50 Lateral Burpees
50 Weighted Pistols, hold 15 KB

Note: Lateral jump over hurdle - 16-18". Used trash can at YMCA.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Shoulder Press 4-3-2-1
Push Press 4-3-2-1
Push Jerk 4-3-2-1

SP: 115-130-140-150lbs (PR)
PP: 150-165-185-195lbs (Matched PR)
PJ: 165-185-195-210lbs (PR)

Note: Compare to 100214

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Complete 5 rounds:
25 lbs Overhead Walking Lunge – 20 reps (10 RT/ 10 LT)
Sprint 200 yards

*Workout at Springer Track
*Rest 3 minutes between rounds. (Walk back to Slam Ball)
*Use a 25lb slam ball for overhead walking lunges.
*Back knee has to touch the ground to count as a rep.
*As Rx'd is 45lb plate and 30 lunges per round. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

10 RDS:

115 Pound Hang Power Clean, 3 reps
20" Box Jumps, 6 reps
Hollow Rocks, 9 reps

Note: Workout was done at No Excuses.

A: Strength
Pack - Main-site WOD 10/11/14
10:00 cap - snatches
10 @ 75#
10 @ 95#
10 @ 115#
10 @ 135#
10 @ 155#
Max reps @ 185#/125#

Completed (32) reps. Failed a few times on 135#, no surprise as my PR is 140#. 

B: Flexibility
4×0:20 Thoracic Spine Barbell Stretch + 10 Immediate PVC Raises

C: Static Shaping
3×0:30 Chin to Toes HS Hold + 10 HS Shoulder Taps

Saturday, October 11, 2014

20 GHD Situps
20 HS Shoulder Taps (should have been 40; erred on rep count)
20 OWLS; 35lb plate overhead

2x0:30 Hollow Hold (hold 3lbs PVC above head) 

Messed up rep scheme. Blew through WOD unbroken. Should have used 45lbs plate for lunges. Consider 5 rounds next attempt.

Friday, October 10, 2014

"Angry Kelly"

3 RFT:
400m Run (outside; around the Y)
30 Box Jumps  20" box (small plyo box with 2 45lb plate stacked)
30 Ball Slams @ 20lbs

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A: Hang Snatches
4-4-4-4-4 @ 115lbs
3-3-3-3-3 @ 125lbs
Note: EMOM 10 minutes. Straight run through from 115-125lbs

B: 500m Row

C: 50 Hollow Rocks

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A: On the minute for 5 minutes, perform:
(2) Push Jerks at 70% of max
B: Hang Squat Clean 2-2-2-2-2

A: 145lbs
B: 145-155-165-170-175lbs

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A: EMOM 20, Alternating Movements
Odd: 4 Back Squats @ 185lbs
Even: 6 HSPUS

- Rest 5 Minutes -

B:Metcon (Time)
300m Row
15 KB Swings @ 35lbs
20 Burpees
15 KB Swings @ 35lbs
300m Row

Note: This should be an all-out sprint.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Four rounds of:
5 x 0:45 Chin To Toes Handstand Hold
Front Squat
Tabata Ball Slams

A: 1:15 rest between efforts
B: 115-135-155-165-170lbs; must clean from ground
C: 20lbs

Friday, October 3, 2014

10 rounds, each for time of:
Row 250 meters
Rest 2 minutes

1: 55.6 | 6: 54.4
2: 52.9 | 7: 55.3
3: 55.7 | 8: 56.3
4: 55.7 | 9: 55.1
5: 56.0 | 10: 54.0

Total Time: 9:11.0
Total  Distance: 2500 meters
1:50.2/500 meters average pace

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Shoulder Press 4-3-2-1
Push Press 4-3-2-1
Push Jerk 4-3-2-1

SP: 115-125-130-140lbs
PP: 155-165-175-180lbs
PJ: 175-185-195-205lbs (PR)

40 Hollow Rocks
40 Arch Rocks
40 Evil Wheels

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

7 Minute Ascending Ladder
Deadlift (185lbs)
Rest 5 Min
7 Minute Ascending Ladder
Hang Cleans (135lbs)
*On the pistols each leg will be considered a rep.

A: 10(s) + 1 deadlift
B: 10(s) 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


8 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters @ 95lbs
12 Lateral Burpees (Over Trash Can)
16 KB Swings @ 35lbs

Rest 1:1


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Beep Test
Level 7:9

The test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in time to recorded beeps. The time between recorded beeps decrease each minute (level).

  • The athlete must place one foot on or beyond the 20m marker at the end of each shuttle
  • If the athlete arrives at the end of a shuttle before the beep, the athlete must wait for the bleep and then resume running
  • The athlete keeps running for as long as possible until he/she can longer keep up with the speed set by the tape at which point they should voluntarily withdraw.
  • If the athlete fails to reach the end of the shuttle before the beep they should be allowed 2 further shuttles to attempt to regain the required pace before being withdrawn

Friday, September 26, 2014

A: Hang Snatch 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 @ 115lbs
B: 2x0:30 Hollow Hold
2x0:30 Arch Hold

Thursday, September 25, 2014

7 Rounds:

Max Rep HSPU
15 Hollow Rocks

Fewest HSPU: 9
Most HSPU: 13
Total HSPU: 77

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A: 5x1 Clean from Rack (just above knee) @ 155lbs - rest as needed
B: 5x1 Jerk from Rack @ 175lbs - rest as needed
C: 3x5 Touch & Go Cleans @ 135lbs - rest 90 seconds
D: 3x10 HSPU AFAP (as fast as possible) - rest 2:00 

Monday, September 22, 2014


25 V-Ups, hold 4lb medicine ball overhead
25 OWLS, hold 35lbs plate overhead
25 Burpees

There is a 20 minute time cap.

Finished all but 15 burpees.

Friday, September 19, 2014

A: Clean and Jerk
80% x 1 x 2 - 140lbs
85% x 1 - 150lbs
90% x 1 - 160lbs
85% x 1 - 150lbs
80% x 1 x 2 - 140lbs
Base percentages off your 1 Rep Max clean and jerk of 175lbs. Go no higher than 90% (unless it's truly feeling like a PR day, in that case go for it). Press outs are missed lifts.

Perform (6) pistols between efforts. Used 25-35lb KB for each set.

B: 50 Hollow Rocks

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

For time:
Sprint 106 yards 

53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)

*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*Upon return, pick up slam ball and run down to opposite sideline. This will constitute 1 trip sideline to sideline or 53 yards.

A: AMRAP 8 of:
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Pistols, alt. legs
10 KB Swings, 35 pounds

4 Full + 2 Pistols

B: Flexibility
4x0:20 Thoracic Spine Barbell Stretch, immediately into 8 PVC Raises

C:  Static Shaping
2x0:30 Hollow Hold on Back holding PVC arms shoulder width apart
2x0:30 Arch Hold on Stomach holding PVC arms shoulder width apart

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A: 15 Minutes to 1RM Snatch
140lbs PR!!

B: Four Rounds:
20 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
200m Sprint

Note: Used Curve Treadmill. Speed was roughly 9.2-9.6 per round. Intensity was higher than normal treadmill. Was really breathing heavy here.

C: Hollow Holds w/ 4lb PVC

Monday, September 15, 2014

A: Crossfit Endurance
Time Trial: Row 2000m
-- 7:59.9
-- Damper was set at 10.

B: 1:00 Hollow Hold w/PVC 2.5#
     Hollow Rocks; (50) reps

Friday, September 12, 2014

” 343 Never Forget ”
20 min AMRAP
3 Power Cleans 135lbs
4 Front Squats 135lbs
3 C2B Pullups

12 full + 2 front squats

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Burping Helen

400m Run
21 DB Swings, 50lbs
12 Burpees

Note: 400m run on treadmill; 1.0 incline, 8.5 mph

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A: Clean and jerk 3-3-3-3-3 reps

B: Tabata Arch Rocks
Maintained (10) reps across all sets

C: Hollow Hold 2x0:40

Monday, September 8, 2014

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Ball Slams @ 25lbs
55M Sprint between efforts

Rest is walk back to starting line. 
A: Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Note:  This one is self scaling.  Don’t keep going up if your form begins to break down.  Mechanics and consistency are the keys here to getting bigger lifts later on.

10 Evil Wheels between sets

B: Tabata Hollow Rocks
Note: 4# PVC held above head; maintained (8) reps across all sets

Thursday, September 4, 2014

5x2 @ 250lbs
3x3 @ 225lbs

EMOM 10:
Odd: 5 Hang Cleans
Even: 5 Squat Cleans

Note: Used 115#; as RX'd is 155#. Should have split the difference at 135# as 115# was a little too easy. 

2x0:30 Hollow Hold w/PVC 2.5# 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Row 30 calories
30 burpees, jumping over the barbell
95-lb. hang cleans, 30 reps

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Monday, September 1, 2014

A: 5x1 Hang Snatches @ 115lbs; rest as needed
B: 3+1x5 Touch and Go Snatches - 3 sets to work to 5RM; rest 90 seconds (see note)
C: 3xME (timed) plank hold; rest 90 seconds

Note: The +1 set is an additional ME UB set @ 85% of 5RM established in first 3 sets. The goal is as many T/G reps as possible - with perfect technique - before dropping the bar.

B: 95lbs for sets of (5); 22 reps @ 65lbs ME UB (Percentage was not exact; workout at No Excuses and only have 25# and 10# plates)
C: 1:05; 1:00; :43 seconds

Sunday, August 31, 2014

For time:
Sprint 106 yards 

53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)

*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*Upon return, pick up slam ball and run down to opposite sideline. This will constitute 1 trip sideline to sideline or 53 yards.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

A: For Time:
20 OHS @ 85lbs (taken from the ground)
40 Med Ball Situps @ 15lbs
60 Double Unders (3:1 Singles)
40 Med Ball Situps @ 15lbs
20 OHS @ 85lbs (taken from ground)

6x3 Hang Cleans; work to heavy set (15lbs)
6 Pistols between efforts (alternating; hold 25lb KB)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

10 Rounds:

250m Row
10 V-Ups
-Rest 0:30 seconds after each round-

Tested bone bruise on right palm with 0:30 seconds chin-to-toes handstand hold. Pain still persists; especially walking down from the wall.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A: (3) Hang Cleans (do not drop bar)  + (1) Jerk; work up to heaviest set 


B:  Jerk from Rack: 5x2; work up to heaviest set

165-175-185-195-200(2) lbs -- New PR!!

C: 3 Rounds:
0:30 Hollow Hold with 2.5lb PVC
0:30 Rest
0:30 Hollow Rocks with 2.5lb PVC

Monday, August 25, 2014

For time:
Sprint 106 yards 

53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)

*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*Upon return, pick up slam ball and run down to opposite sideline. This will constitute 1 trip sideline to sideline or 53 yards.

A: Hang Snatch 5x1 @ 90% (125lbs)

B: 1000m Row
30 Thrusters @ 85lbs
500m Row
15 Thrusters @ 85lbs

C: 2 x 0:30 Hollow Hold
2 x 0:30 Arch Hold

Friday, August 22, 2014

50-40-30-20-10 reps of :
Double Unders (3:1 Singles)
A: Bench Press (6) x (3) - 155-175-185-195-205-175lbs
(6) Weighted Pistols @ 25lbs (alternating) between sets
Rest as needed

B: 2 x 0:30 Hollow Hold; keep lower back pressed to the ground
2 x 0:30 Arch Hold

Thursday, August 21, 2014

95-lb AMRAP Squat Cleans, (1) minute
Rest (3) minutes
115-lb AMRAP Squat Cleans, (1) minute
Rest (3) minutes
135-lb AMRAP Squat Cleans, (1) minute
Rest (3) minutes
95-lb AMRAP Squat Cleans, (1) minute
Rest (3) minutes
115-lb AMRAP Squat Cleans, (1) minute
Rest (3) minutes
135-lb AMRAP Squat Cleans, (1) minute
Rest (3) minutes

A: 95-lb Squat Cleans: (15); (15)
B: 115-lb Squat Cleans: (11); (12)
C: 135-lb Squat Cleans: (10); (8)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A: OHS - Work to heavy single
B: EMOM 10:
(2) OHS @ 50% of A
60 Singles
C: Tabata Hollow Hold - (4) rounds

*OHS; maxed at 180lbs
*Used wrist wraps; took up to 155lbs from the ground. Remaining lifts from rack.
*OHS was taken from ground (snatch) on B.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

800m Run
25 DB Swings @ 45lbs
50 Pistols
25 DB Swings @ 45lbs
800m Run

10 Minutes To Find 1RM Snatch -- 130lbs

Monday, August 18, 2014

3 rounds, on the 6-minute start interval of:
500m Row
10 Ground to Overhead, 135lbs

21-15-9 Hollow Rocks

Friday, August 15, 2014

For time:
Sprint 106 yards 

53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)

*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*Upon return, pick up slam ball and run down to opposite sideline. This will constitute 1 trip sideline to sideline or 53 yards.

A: 3 RNFT:
200m Run
20 Pistols (alternating)
10 Snatches @ 95lbs

B: 50 Hollow Rocks

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Double Shuttle

Complete 5 rounds of:

Sprint 20 yds – 40 yds – 20 yds shuttle drill
8 KB Swings @ 35lbs
12 Ball Slams @ 25lbs

*Rest 1 minute between rounds.

*For shuttle drill, start by sprinting 20 yards, change directions and sprint back 40 yards, change direction and sprint back 20 yards through original starting point. Perform 8 Kb swings and 12 ball slams. Rest 1 minute and repeat...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Four Rounds of:

400m Run
100 Jump Ropes

Ran at Springer Middle School Track.
For Time: (15 minute time cap)

1-10 Hang Squat Cleans @ 95lbs
10-1 Ball Slams @ 25lbs


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

10 RDS:

95 Pound Hang Power Snatch, 3 reps
20" Box Jumps, 6 reps
Hollow Rocks, 9 reps

Note: Workout was done at No Excuses. 
For time:
Sprint 106 yards 

53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)

*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*Upon return, pick up slam ball and run down to opposite sideline. This will constitute 1 trip sideline to sideline or 53 yards.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

A: Back Squat (15) x (2) @ 65% of 1RM (0:45 seconds rest between efforts)

Finished all (30) reps @ 185lbs

B: Every :30 seconds for 10 minutes:

(1) Hang Power Snatch @ 115lbs

Note: This workout comes courtesy of Outlaw Crossfit. To complete this workout as Rx, you must complete all 20 reps @ 115lbs. If you cannot do 115lbs for the entire workout, scale accordingly. Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you take off weight, you can not add weight back on.

Finished all (20) reps @ 115lbs.

C: Outlaw Connectivity
(3) x 0:20 Box Shoulder Stretch; immediately follow each set with (8) floor PVC shoulder raises.
(1) x 0:30 HS Shoulder Taps

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

For time:
Sprint 106 yards 

53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)

*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*Upon return, pick up slam ball and run down to opposite sideline. This will constitute 1 trip sideline to sideline or 53 yards.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A: 5 x 3 Squat Cleans

B: 3 RFT: (Goal is Sub 5:00)
25 GHD Situps
5 Hang Cleans @ 155lbs


2 x 0:30 Hollow Hold on Back (PVC)
2 x 0:30 Arch Hold on Stomach (PVC)

Monday, August 4, 2014

A: Back Squat @ 165lbs
AMRAP 0:15 seconds/Rest 0:50 seconds for (8) Intervals

Note: Maintained (6) reps across all sets; final set completed (8).

B: For Time (Goal is Sub (8) Minutes):
21 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
9 Burpees
15 Ball Slams
15 Burpees
9 Ball Slams
9 Burpees

Friday, August 1, 2014

A: 3RFT:
10 OHS @ 115lbs
50 Double Unders (3:1 Singles)

B: 5x3 Power Cleans (Build)

C: 21-15-9 reps of:
Hollow Rocks
Arch Rocks

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A: Work to 2RM Power Snatch -- 130lbs

B: Power Isabel
30 Hang Power Snatches @ 95lbs -- 2:12 (PR!!)

C: 4xUB Weighted Pistols @ 25lbs
10 -- 7 -- 9 -- 8 reps

D: Tabata Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A: Team Fifties - Crossfit Games 2014

50 Calorie Row
50 GHD Situps
50 Wall Balls @ 15lbs
50 Box Jumps @ 24" (stacked two plates on short box at Y)

Thoracic Spine Barbell Stretch 4x0:20
2x0:45 Chin to Toes HS Hold; Rest 0:45 Between Sets
5x Straight Body Lever on Floor, lower down as slowly as possible

Monday, July 28, 2014

A: Clean & Jerk: 5x1 @ 80% - minimal rest as needed -- 145lbs
B:Jerk from Blocks: 5x1 @ 80% - minimal rest as needed -- 165lbs

4 RFT:
7 Hang Cleans @ 100lbs
200m Run (1.0 incline; 8.8 mph on treadmill)

Sunday, July 27, 2014

For time:
Sprint 106 yards 

53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)
Sprint 106 yards 
53-yard carry (25 lb slam ball)

*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*Upon return, pick up slam ball and run down to opposite sideline. This will constitute 1 trip sideline to sideline or 53 yards.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Complete 8 rounds:
1/2 Gasser
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*All sets to be completed under 25 seconds. For every round not completed, perform a 10 burpee penalty.

Friday, July 25, 2014

A: 4x6 Weighted Pistols, 20lb KB
B: Every :30 seconds for 10 minutes:

(1) Hang Clean + (1) Push Jerk @ 155lbs

Note: This workout comes courtesy of Outlaw Crossfit. To complete this workout as Rx, you must complete all 20 reps @ 155lbs. If you cannot do 155lbs for the entire workout, scale accordingly. Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you take off weight, you can not add weight back on.

Finished all (20) reps @ 155lbs.
C: 2x8; 2x6 Weighted Pistols, 20lb KB

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A: Bench Press 3x3 @ 80% of 3RM. Rest 90 seconds between efforts. Used 165lbs comfortably.
B: Toes-to-Bar 4x8. Rest 90 seconds between efforts.
C: 3RDS:
20 GHD Situps
40 HS Shoulder Taps
20 OWLS; 45lb plate overhead

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A: 7RFT:

3 Hang Power Cleans @ 135lbs
6 Strict Bar Dips
9 Box Jumps @ 24" (stacked two plates on short box at Y)
27 Double Unders (3:1 Singles)

B: Outlaw Connectivity
Box Shoulder Stretch 4x0:20
1:00 Hollow Hold on Hands
4x5 Arch Hollow Roll + V-up

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A: Clean & Jerk: 2rm – 1X1@ 95%, 1X1 @ 90%
B: Jerk from rack: 5 singles @ 100% of max from A + 5-10#
C: 2 x 0:30 Hollow Hold; keep lower back pressed to the ground
     2 x 0:30 Arch Hold
     3 x 0:20 Arch Hold + 0:20 Hollow Hold/0:20 Rest 

A: 170lbs
B: 185lbs (easy!) 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Row: 3 x 1000m -- rest 1:1 -- 30 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 seconds from the fastest set. 3 minute rest between efforts.

1: 3:41.3 (New PR!)
2: 3:48.4
3: 3:46.6 

Note: All (3) efforts bested my previous best of 3:48.5 for 1000m row.  The focus on technique has paid off; see 3000m row from last week as further proof of same.

3 x 0:30 on/off  Hollow Hold with PVC
3 x 15 Hollow Rocks

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Complete 8 rounds:
1/2 Gasser
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*All sets to be completed under 25 seconds. For every round not completed, perform a 10 burpee penalty.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A: 1RM Hang Clean & Jerk -- 170lbs
B: 3 x 3 C & J @ 85% of 1RM -- 145lbs
C: 3 x 0:30 Hollow Hold with PVC
D: 30 V-Ups holding 4lb med ball overhead

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A: 30 Lateral Burpees
     30 Pistols
     30 Lateral Burpees

Note: Lateral jump over hurdle - 16-18". Used trash can at YMCA.

  B: Tabata Hollow Rocks
       Tabata Arch Rocks

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Five Rounds:

(3) Snatches @ 115lbs
(6) Weighted Pistols @ 25lbs

2 x 0:30 Hollow Hold; keep lower back pressed to the ground
2 x 0:30 Arch Hold
30' Arch Hollow Roll Across Floor; keep your arms and feet off the floor the entire time.
Note: Needs practice. Am not able to keep a straight line when I roll.

Monday, July 14, 2014

A: 3000 meter Row.

Notes: Pace Boat 2:00 per 500m.


B: 3x0:30 on/ 0:30 off Hollow Hold on Back holding PVC
Notes: Keep lower back on the floor and your shoulder angle open, feet no more than 12 inches off the floor.

Inch Worm 40' for form; 0:10 pause in Hands and Feet Hollow Hold

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Complete 8 rounds:
1/2 Gasser
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*All sets to be completed under 25 seconds. For every round not completed, perform a 10 burpee penalty.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Friday, July 11, 2014

A: Snatch 2RM - 2x2 @ 90% -- 115lbs
B: 3 RDS:
7 Power Clean & Jerk @ 115lbs

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A: Power Snatch; work to 1RM
B: 7 minute AMRAP Burpees (Crossfit Open 12.1)
C: Outlaw Connectivity
      1. 4 x 0:20 Thoracic Spine Barbell Stretch
      2. 1:30 Handstand Hold
      3. 3 x 15 Hollow Rocks
      4. 3 x 15 Arch Rocks

A: 130lbs. Failed at 135lbs. Couldn't get under bar.
B: 64 reps. This was tough, especially after heavy snatches.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A: Work quickly to heavy Back Squat double. Then, every :30 seconds for (5) sets, remove 5% and perform (2) reps.


Note: Lighter number than should have been. Legs were hurting after yesterday's WOD. Didn't go to true 2RM; 235lbs went up without much difficulty. 260-275lbs is reasonable for 2RM. 

12 Hang Cleans @ 115lbs
8 Hang Cleans @ 115lbs
4 Hang Cleans @ 115lbs
150 Jump Rope Single Unders
4 Hang Cleans @ 115lbs
8 Hang Cleans @ 115lbs
12 Hang Cleans @ 115lbs

Monday, July 7, 2014

A: Weighted Pistols 3x5; 25-30-35lbs KB
B: HSPU - 3x5; focus on getting full depth, forehead to pad.
C: 5 Rounds:
12 Barbell Walking Lunges @ 105lbs
12 HR Pushups (Games Standard)
100m Sprint (.06 miles on treadmill)
   *8.8 - 9.6mph; 1.0 incline

Friday, July 4, 2014


Complete 5 rounds:
25 lbs Overhead Walking Lunge – 20 reps (10 RT/ 10 LT)
Sprint 200 yards

*Workout at Springer Track
*Rest 3 minutes between rounds. (Walk back to Slam Ball)
*Use a 25lb slam ball for overhead walking lunges.
*Back knee has to touch the ground to count as a rep.
*As Rx'd is 45lb plate and 30 lunges per round. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


EMOM 5: (3) Power Snatches; heaviest possible @ 125lbs

EMOM 5: (2) Hang Clean & Jerks; heaviest possible @ 165lbs


20 Thrusters @ 45lbs
100 Singles
30 V-ups
15 Thrusters @ 65lbs
100 Singles
30 V-ups
10 Thrusters @ 95lbs
100 Singles
30 V-ups

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

*Each time you break, perform (15) situps.

3 RDS:
15 Supermans
20 Hollow Rocks

Monday, June 30, 2014

50 Calorie Row
30 V-Ups w/4lb medicine ball overhead

*Rest (1) minute between rounds.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Complete 8 rounds:
1/2 Gasser
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*All sets to be completed under 25 seconds. For every round not completed, perform a 10 burpee penalty.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bench Press 6 x 3 @ 185lbs
(6) Weighted Pistols @ 20lbs (alternating) between sets
Rest as needed

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Front Squat 

Note: Must clean from ground. 

5×2 -- 2 x 145; 2 x 155; 1 x 165lbs
3×3 -- 1 x 145; 1 x 155; 1 x 165lbs

Squat Snatch


2 x 95; 2 x 115; 1 x 125lbs; 1 x 130lbs (f); 1 x 115lbs

4×0:20 Box Shoulder Stretch
2×1:00 Chin to Toes Handstand

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

24 Pistols (alternating)
16 KB Pistols (alternating) @ 15lbs
12 KB Pistols (alternating) @ 25lbs

2 x 0:40 Hollow Hold
Note: The goal is to be as low as possible to the ground.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hang Snatch
1 x 5 @ 95lbs
1 x 5 @ 115lbs
1 x 8 @ 95lbs

Hang Clean
1 x 5 @ 145lbs
1 x 5 @ 155lbs
1 x 8 @ 135lbs


10 RDS:
6 Deadlifts @ 155lbs (used lighter load due to sore hamstrings from Saturday's WOD at Dr. Mikes)

3 x 20 Hollow Rocks

Friday, June 20, 2014

3 Rounds For Time:

25 V-Ups (hold 4lb medicine ball overhead)
5 Hang Squat Cleans @ 75% of 1RM

125lbs Rx

Box Shoulder Stretch 4 x 0:20
30 Degree Handstand Hold 3 x 0:30
Hands and Feet Hollow Hold 2 x 1:00

Notes: Walk your hands out as far as possible maintaining perfect from. Keep your arms shoulder width apart and focus on extending all the way through your shoulders. Round your upper back as much as possible. The lower you can hold it the better. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Snatched At The Border (Jorge with Snatch)

30-24-18-12-6 reps of GHD Situps
15-12-9-6-3 reps of Squat Snatches @ 75lbs

PVC Shoulder Stretch 3 x 5 (Tried to keep shoulders as close to parallel)
Super Couch Stretch 0:30 each leg

Tabata Hollow Rocks
Tabata Arch Rocks

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


4 rounds of:

3:00 to Row 500m (All Out)-- rest the remainder of the 3:00
1:00 ME C2B Pullups
1:00 Rest

3 x 0:20 Arch Hold + 0:20 Hollow Hold/0:20 Rest

Monday, June 16, 2014

Every :30 seconds for 10 minutes:

(1) Hang Clean + (1) Push Jerk @ 155lbs

Note: This workout comes courtesy of Outlaw Crossfit. To complete this workout as Rx, you must complete all 20 reps @ 155lbs. If you cannot do 155lbs for the entire workout, scale accordingly. Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you take off weight, you can not add weight back on.

Finished all (20) reps @ 155lbs.

3 x 0:30 Handstand Holds
40' Inchworm; pause at hamstring stretch
3 x 12 Hanstand Shoulder Taps
3 x 0:20 Box Shoulder Stretch
1 x 12 PVC Shoulder Raises

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Complete 8 rounds:
1/2 Gasser
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*All sets to be completed under 25 seconds. For every round not completed, perform a 10 burpee penalty.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Complete 5 rounds:
70% of 3 RM Push Press – Max reps
60 second Assault Bike Sprint – Max Calories
*You can sub an Airdyne, Versa-Climber or Concept 2 for max calories sprint.

Note: 105lbs used for push press. Subbed C2 Rower for Assault Bike. 

17/19; 17/20; 14/19; 15/19; 16/20
79 reps/97 calories

2 x 0:30 Couch Stretch
2 x 15 Handstand Shoulder Shrugs
2 x 15 Handstand Shoulder Taps

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A: Deadlift
20-18-16-14-12-10 reps


1. Use the same load for each set.
2. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
3. Focus on keeping the stomach "sucked in" throughout the movement.
4. Be brave, and go as heavy as the rep scheme will allow.
5. Did this workout JAN 2012 also at 135lbs; I think 155lbs would be challenging but reasonable. 

B: Box Shoulder Stretch 3 x 0:20
Thoracic Spine Barbell Stretch 3 x 0:20

C: Chin to Toes Handstand Against Wall 2 x 1:00 (2nd set failed at 0:45)
ME Handstand Shoulder Taps (2 x 20)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2013 Regional Event 4

For time:
50 Wall ball shots, 15 pound ball
50 Pushups
50 Pistols;alternating
50 Power Snatches; 75 pounds barbell

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A: Squat Snatches 3-3-3-3-3

B: 3 RDS:
Row 15 Calories
10 Burpees

Chin to Toes Handstand Hold 2 x 0:45 with perfect form.
Straight Body Lower Down 5 x 0:10 Descent

Monday, June 9, 2014

A: Strength
OHS 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


Note: Taken from squat rack.

B: Flexibility
Box Shoulder Stretch 4 x 0:20
Deep Couch Stretch A & B (See Outlaw Connectivity Progressions) 4 x 0:20

C: Core Work
Hollow Rocks 21-15-9
3 x 0:20 Arch Hold + 0:20 Hollow Hold/0:20 Rest

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Complete 6 rounds:
1/2 Gasser
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
*Starting on the sideline the player will run down to the opposite sideline, plant and sprint back to the sideline. This will constitute 2 trips sideline to sideline or 106 yards.
*All sets to be completed under 25 seconds. For every round not completed, perform a 10 burpee penalty.

Friday, June 6, 2014

200 Singles
100 DB Swings @ 50lbs
*20  Singles Penalty On The Minute

Hamstring Box Stretch 3 x 0:20
Nose To Toes Handstand Hold 2 x 1:00
Note: Came off the wall at :40 on 2nd hold; got back up and finished remaining :20.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Hang Clean @ 135lbs

Note: I could certainly have gone heavier (think 155#) but my traps were fried from yesterday's snatches.

EMOM 10:
150m Sprint (.09 on treadmill) 9.0mph

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

Box Shoulder Stretch 3 x 0:20
T-Spine Barbell Stretch 2 x 0:20

5 RFT:
10 DB Snatches (5r/l) @ 60lbs
200' Sprint (back and forth 2x)


Chin to Toes Handstand Against Wall 2 x 1:00 (2nd set failed at 0:45)
Handstand Shoulder Taps 2 x 20 reps

Thursday, May 29, 2014

7 rounds for time of:
1 clean and jerk attempt
35 double-unders (3:1 singles) 
You have two scores.  The total amount of weight lifted and the total time it took for all 7 rounds.  If you miss an attempt, you can not try again.  The opportunity to lift that round is over.  So pick your weight wisely.  You can not change your weight once the clock has started.

A: 1085lbs (Hit all lifts @ 155lbs)
B: 7:49

3 x 20 Handstand Shoulder Taps
3 x 10 Evil Wheels/0:30 Plank Hold 
500m Row
500m Row
500m Row

3 x 0:30 On/0:30 Off Arch Hold On Stomach
Tabata Hollow Rocks

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A: 5 x 3 Mid-Hang Clean @ 80% of 3RM - Rest as Needed (135lbs)
B: 5 x 3 Jerk (From Rack) @ 80% of 3RM - Rest as Needed (160lbs)

C: Toes to Nose Handstand Hold Against Wall; 3 x 0:40
D: 3 x 10 Handstand Shoulder Taps

Note: Light hands, push through your shoulders, your elbows should come straight out to the side. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Power Isabel

30 Hang Power Snatches @ 95lbs -- 2:34


Tabata Row :20/:10 for (4) minutes. Damper set at 10.

729 Meters Rowed. 1:48 per 500m pace.

Box Shoulder Stretch 4 x 0:20
Nose-to-Toes Handstand Hold 4 x 0:30

Monday, May 26, 2014

For time:
100-meter walking lunge
400-meter run
100 squats
400-meter run

Friday, May 23, 2014

McGhee - Pack Scaling

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
185-lb. deadlifts, 5 reps
13 push-ups
9 box jumps, 20 inches

Post rounds completed. (9) full with :03 seconds to spare.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

10 RDS:

95 Pound Hang Power Snatch, 3 reps
20" Box Jumps, 6 reps
Hollow Rocks, 9 reps

Workout was done at No Excuses. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A: Work up to 1RM Hang Squat Snatch


B: Annie
50-40-30-20-10 reps of :
Double Unders (3:1 Singles)


C: 2 x 0:30 Handstand Hold

Monday, May 19, 2014

A: Hang Power Clean 5 x 3


B: 10 Minute AMRAP:
15 Ball Slams

Note: Use 20lb Slam Ball For Both.

4 Rounds Even

C: 2 x 30 Hollow Rocks
     2 x 15 Arch Rocks

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A: Work to 3RM Hang Power Snatch - 120lbs

B: 10-1 Lateral Burpees
     10 Wall Balls between sets - 15lbs

Note: Lateral jump over hurdle - 16-18". Used trash can at YMCA.

 C: Tabata Hollow Rocks

Note: Find a number and hold across all sets. Attempt at (10) per set; broke down sets 6 & 7.

Friday, May 16, 2014

J.J. - 25 minute cap  
1-10 Squat Cleans
10-1 Handstand PushUps (Strict)

At RX (185# Squat Cleans and Paralette HSPUS) this is brutal so scale as needed. Subbed 50lb DB Hang Squat Cleans. Finished just under the time cap with less than 0:10 seconds to spare.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nasty Girls v2.0

50 Pistols, alternating
7 Pullups/7 Dips
10 Hang Power Cleans @ 135lbs

3 X 0:30 Handstand Hold
40' Inch Worm for form, pause at hamstring stretch.
10 x 0:10 Descent Straight Body Lever from Floor

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

250m Row
-Rest 30 seconds
500m Row
-Rest 45 seconds
750m Row
-Rest 1 minute
1000m Row


10 minutes to find 1RM Hang Squat Snatch

130lbs. PR!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3


Flexibility: 4 x 0:20 Box Shoulder Stretch
Skills & Drills: 4 x 0:20 on/0:40 off handstand hold against wall

Friday, May 9, 2014

50 OHS @ 45lbs
100 Sit-ups
25 OHS @ 95lbs
50 GHD sit-ups
10 OHS @ 145lbs
25 Evil Wheels

Note: Weight must be taken from the ground.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

1A: 3 x ME Strict Pull-ups
1B: 3 x 12 Weighted Situps - 25lb Med Ball


Two Rounds:
200' Shuttle Run (50' back and forth x 4)
20 DB G2O 27.5lbs (use two dbs)
20 Lateral Burpee Box Overs

Notes: Burpees done over trash can at Y -- 18" hurdle.

Monday, May 5, 2014

AMRAP 12 mins:
12 Box Jumps @ 24"
12 Ball Slams @ 25lbs
12 Hollow Rocks

4 Full + 6 Ball Slams
5 Rounds; 2 minutes to complete. Rest 1 minute between rounds.

4 Hang Cleans @ 155lbs
20 Ball Slams @ 20lbs

Box Shoulder Stretch 4 x 0:20; focus on getting deeper each time.
PVC Shoulder Stretch 4 x 8

5 x Straight Body Lever From Ground; 0:10 descent.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

8 Minute AMRAP:

7 Hang Power Snatches @ 75lbs
60 Jump Rope Singles

2 Minute Rest

8 Minute AMRAP:

7 Hang Power Cleans @ 95lbs
60 Jump Rope Singles

A: 5 rounds + 7 snatches
B: 6 rounds + 4 cleans

Note: As Rx'd is (135/95). This was done at about 75% pace; My body is screaming for an extended rest.

Friday, May 2, 2014


30 Clean & Jerks, 115#

7 Rounds:

Max Rep HSPU
10 Hollow Rocks

Fewest HSPU: 9
Most HSPU: 12
Total HSPU: 75

5 x 10 Arch Rocks

5 x straight body lever on floor; work to :10 lower.
Note: You should pass through hollow position practiced on boxes. See here

Thursday, May 1, 2014

100 Back Squats @ 45lbs Tabata

Squat for :20; rest :10. Continue in this pattern until you complete 100 back squats.

-then directly into 2nd metcon-

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
DB Swings @ 50lbs
Box Jumps @ 20"

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Nasty Girls v2.0

50 Pistols, alternating
10 Hang Power Cleans @ 135lbs


Work to 3RM Power Snatch
*10 Evil Wheels between efforts
Worked up to 115lbs. Tried 1RM at 135# and failed twice. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

3 Rounds:
Single Unbroken Set of Wall Ball Shots @ 20lbs
-Rest 90 secs-
30 Cal Row For Time
-Rest 3 mins-

*You get out of it what you put into it. Push yourself to find a true max reps set.


Flexibility :20 seconds each
3 x :30 Seated Pikes
3 x :30 Toe Touches
3 x :30 Handstand Hamstring Hold with Box

Static Shaping :15 seconds each
3×0:30 Arch Hold + 0:30 Hollow Hold/0:30 Rest
Be sure to roll straight from arch to hollow without your arms or legs touching the floor.  Arms stay next to your ears the entire time.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tabata Ball Slams @ 20lbs
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Burpees
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Ball Slams @ 20lbs

Post lowest rounds for each interval.

TBS: 8
TB: 5
TBS: 7

Friday, April 25, 2014


3 RFT:

500m Row
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts (subbed 185#)
21 Box Jumps @ 20"

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

7 rounds for time of:
1 clean and jerk attempt
35 double-unders (3:1 singles) 
You have two scores.  The total amount of weight lifted and the total time it took for all 7 rounds.  If you miss an attempt, you can not try again.  The opportunity to lift that round is over.  So pick your weight wisely.  You can not change your weight once the clock has started.

A: 1050lbs (Hit all lifts @ 150lbs)
B:  9:30

3 x :30 Seated Pikes
3 x :30 Toe Touches
3 x :30 Handstand Hamstring Hold with Box
Static Shaping:
0:40 Hollow Hold on Back, break early if your lumbar spine lifts from the floor.
0:40 Arch Hold

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

3 Rounds 'Cindy'
50 Wall Balls @ 15lbs
40 Burpees
30 Weighted Situps (hold 20lb med ball at chest)
20 T2B
3 Rounds 'Cindy'

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Four Rounds of:

400m Run
100 Jump Ropes

Ran at Springer Middle School Track.

Friday, April 18, 2014

5 Rounds:
115lb Power Snatches, 3 reps
115lb OHS, 5 reps
HSPU, 7 reps

Note: Rest 1 minute between efforts.
*After yesterday's rowing marathon, this was tough. Arms fatigued quickly. At 115lbs on the snatch, really need to focus on technique.

Finished with 75 Hollow Rocks

Thursday, April 17, 2014

10 rounds of:

1 minute rowing
15 seconds rest
30 seconds evil wheels
15 seconds rest

Post total meters + evil wheels

2514 meters + 83 reps

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

9 HPC @ 135LBS
15 T2B
15 T2B
15 T2B


- 5 Minute Rest -

9 HPC @ 135LBS
15 WB @ 20LBS
15 WB
15 WB


Notes: Cleans & Wall Balls were unbroken. T2B were broken up into sets of 5. As Rx'd calls for 30lb wall ball; this is doable and should be used next time.

Monday, April 14, 2014

A: Push Press 1-5-1-10-1-15


B: 100 Hollow Rocks 10/10

Friday, April 11, 2014

1) 8 minutes to establish a 3rm T&G Power Snatch.
2) 8 minutes to establish a 3rm T&G Power Clean & Push Jerk.

1) 120lbs
2) 150lbs

1) Back Squat: Baseline was 300lbs
1X8@60% - 180lbs
1X6@65% - 195lbs
1X6@70% - 210lbs
1X6@75% - 225lbs
 – rest as needed.

2) Front Squat: Baseline was 200lbs (I think this was underestimated; more like 225lbs)
1X5@60% - 120lbs
1X5@65%  - 130lbs
2X5@70% - 140lbs
 – rest as needed.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A: 5 x 1 Hang Power Clean

B: 6 RDS:
Set the clock for :90 seconds

5 Deadlifts @ 185lbs
Burpee Over Bar -- Max Reps for Remainder of Time

Rest :30 seconds between efforts

C: Complete the Following:
20 Evil Wheels
20 Arch Rocks
40 Situps
20 GHD Situps
20 Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A: Back Squat 21-15-9 -- Unbroken Reps

95-115-135lbs (next time do not be afraid to start at 115lbs)

B: For Time:
500m Row
50 DB Swings @ 50lbs
30 HR Pushups

C: 21-15-9 reps of:
Hollow Rocks
Arch Rocks

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Double Shuttle

Complete 5 rounds of:

Sprint 20 yds – 40 yds – 20 yds shuttle drill
8 Ball Slams @ 25lbs
16 Push Ups

*Rest 1 minute between rounds.

*For shuttle drill, start by sprinting 20 yards, change directions and sprint back 40 yards, change direction and sprint back 20 yards through original starting point. Perform 8 ball slams and 16 pushups. Rest 1 minute and repeat...

Friday, April 4, 2014

Hang Squat Cleans

5: 95lbs     5: 115lbs
3: 135lbs   3: 145lbs   3: 155lbs (sloppy effort)
1: 155lbs   1: 165lbs   1: 175lbs (fail)   1: 170lbs (PR!!)

Finish with 40 Evil Wheels & 20 Hanging Leg Raises (Strict)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Row 500m
21 DB Swings @ 50lbs
Row 500m
15 DB Swings @ 50lbs
Row 500m
9 DB Swings @ 50lbs

5 X 4 TNG Power Snatch - Across All Sets - Rest :90 Seconds @ 95lbs

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Mobility WOD #71 -- OHS/Snatch Prep


30 Squat Snatches For Time. Used 95lbs.


Core Work
Hollow Rocks
Arch Rocks
Back Extensions
GHD Situps

Monday, March 31, 2014

"Coe" - Pack Scaling
Seven rounds for time of:
65 pound Thruster, 10 reps
10 Swiss Ball Push-ups


Sunday, March 30, 2014

10 RFT:

3 DB Snatches @ 50lbs (alternate arms each round)
6 Box Jumps @ 20"
9 Hollow Rocks


Thursday, March 27, 2014


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:

185# Deadlift
135# Bench Press
95# Cleans

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A: 4 x 2 Push Jerks; increase across sets. (2) minute rest between efforts.
B: 4 x 12 (6 each leg) Front Rack Lunges. (90) seconds rest between efforts.
C: 8 minute AMRAP:
- 5 Deadlifts @ 135lbs
- 6 Cleans @ 135lbs
- 7 Box Jumps @ 20"

A: 135-155-175-185lbs
B: 1 x 85; 3 x 105lbs
C: 5 rounds even

Monday, March 24, 2014

CFG Open WOD 14.4

AMRAP 14 minutes of:
60 calorie row
50 toes-to-bar
40 wall balls @ 15lbs
30 cleans @ 135lbs
20 muscle-ups (sub 2:1 pull-ups/dips)

159 reps (completed 9 cleans)
Note: 60 calories rowed in 884 meters; damper set at 10.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Squat Clean Thrusters 5 x 1
115-135-145-150 (x2)


45 SCT @ 50% of above max
Note: 5 burpee penalty each time you set the bar down.

9:49 @ 75lbs
Took (4) penalties

15-12-9 reps of:
Evil Wheels
Ball Slams @ 20lbs

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Super - Annie
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Double Unders (3:1 Singles)

*10 Jingle Jangles between sets


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A: (1) Hang Snatch + (2) OHS; 3 x 3 reps across
B: 5 X 5 TNG Snatch; (60) seconds between sets
C: 1000m row for time

A: 105lbs
B: 95 x (2); 100 x (1); 110 x (2)
C: 3:48.5 (New PR!!)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

CFG Open WOD 14.3

8 minute AMRAP:
10 deadlifts, 135lbs.
15 box jumps, 20 inch
15 deadlifts, 185lbs
15 box jumps, 20 inch
20 deadlifts, 225lbs
15 box jumps, 20 inch
25 deadlifts, 275lbs
15 box jumps, 20 inch
30 deadlifts, 315lbs
15 box jumps, 20 inch
35 deadlifts, 365lbs
15 box jumps, 20 inch

73 reps.
Finished round of 15/15, then completed 18 of 20 deadlifts @ 225lbs. Disappointed with results. Thought if I could get through the round of 20 deads, I could make up some easy reps on the box jumps. 

CrossFit Open WOD 14.3


MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
135-lb. deadlifts, 10 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
185-lb. deadlifts, 15 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
225-lb. deadlifts, 20 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
275-lb. deadlifts, 25 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
315-lb. deadlifts, 30 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
365-lb. deadlifts, 35 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
- See more at:

Friday, March 14, 2014

AMRAP 12 minutes of:
10 Burpees
200m Row

5.5 (5 full + 5 burpees)

- rest 5 minutes-

EMOM 12 monutes:
5 Dips
5 Box Jumps @ 20"
10 RFT:

5 Back Squats @ 165lbs
50 Jump Ropes

Note: This was done Thursday.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

In a 25 minute window:

1RM Push Press
1500m row for time

Goals: 185+ for push press and sub 6:00 minute row

195lbs & 5:49.8 minute row

Friday, March 7, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

5 Rounds; 2 Minutes Each; Rest :60 seconds between efforts.
4 Power Cleans @ 135lbs
Max Reps Ball Slams @ 20lbs

1: 33 reps
2: 30 reps
3: 30 reps
4: 30 reps
5: 30 reps

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

CFG Open WOD 14.1

10-minute AMRAP:
30 double-unders (3:1 Singles)
15 power snatches, 75 lb

180 reps; 4 rounds even.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of:

Air Squats
DB Swings @ 50lbs
Box Jumps @ 20"

Note: Done outside at No Excuses Crossfit. Tough WOD; all sets unbroken from 15 down.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

From Crossfit Football; E Caf
Complete 10 rounds:
Row for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute.
*Row for 1 minute as many meters as you can, rest one minute.
*Continue this cycle for a total of 20 minutes.
*Your score is the total amount of meters rowed - goal is row at least 2500 meters
*Penalty is 1 handstand push up for every 5 meters under 2500 meters.
Post total meters rowed and if any penalties were assessed.

2690 meters rowed; no penalty. Next time goal should be raised to a more challenging threshold 2800 or even as Rx'd -- 3000 meters.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Double Unders (3:1 Singles)


Tabata Mashup
Hollow Rocks
Ball Slams @ 20lbs

Note: This is what 1.5 weeks w/out a break and day 5 of a nasty cold will do to your times.

Monday, February 24, 2014


5 Burpees
6 Pistols
7 Box Jumps @ 20"
8 Overhead Sit-ups @ 10lbs

Tabata Hollow Rocks

Sunday, February 23, 2014


14 Sit-Ups
21 Squats
150m Run

5 Full Rounds + 8 Squats

Friday, February 21, 2014

3 Rounds:
Single Unbroken Set of Wall Ball Shots @ 15lbs
-Rest 90 secs-
30 Cal Row For Time
-Rest 3 mins-

*You get out of it what you put into it. Push yourself to find a true max reps set.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

10 Clean & Jerks @ 135lbs
50 Wall Balls @ 15lbs
10 Clean & Jerks @  135lbs
50 Ball Slams

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Use (1) bar; change your own weights.

20 Deadlifts @ 205lbs
20 Front Squats @ 115lbs
20 Power Snatches @ 95lbs


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

For Time:
30 Deadlifts @ 115lbs
20 Deadlifts @ 165lbs
10 Deadlifts @ 215lbs



21-15-9 reps of:
Hollow Rocks
Arch Rocks
Evil Wheels

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

3 Rounds:
2:00 minutes
Sprint 200m then, max reps DB Swings (50lbs)
Rest 1:00 minute
2:00 minutes
Sprint 200m then, max reps box jumps (20")
 Rest 1:00 minute

3 Rounds:
:45 seconds plank
right into 15 GHD Situps

Monday, February 10, 2014

Every (2) minutes for (16) minutes -- (8) sets
(5) Burpees
(5) Front Squats (bar taken from ground)

Note: Approximately 50% of 1RM Front Squat
If set is good; add 10lbs to next set. If you fail; subtract 10lbs.

Score as follows:
Starting Weight: 95lbs
How Many Misses: 1 Miss
Ending Weight: 165lbs

Friday, February 7, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

For Time:

10 Shoulder Presses
15 Overhead Squats
20 Push Presses
25 Front Squats
30 Push Jerks
35 Back Squats

Note: Use 115lbs for all lifts


Infinitely more difficult following yesterday's double.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

21-15-9 reps of:

Evil Wheels
Box Jumps @ 20"


Note: Outside at No Excuses Crossfit
750m Row
75 Squats
500m Row
50 Squats
250m Row
25 Squats

30 Ball Slams
Ab Work

Sunday, February 2, 2014

5 rounds for reps and time:

200m Run (Prospect Ave. stop sign and turn around)
Max Effort UB HSPUS

1: 15
2: 11
3: 11
4: 10
5: 9

Friday, January 31, 2014

3 RDS:
5 Strict Muscle-ups (sub is pullups & dips)
10 Strict HSPUS
15 Pistols (alt. legs)

Bench Press 10-10-10


Thursday, January 30, 2014

(4) Squat Clean Thrusters @ 95lbs
(4) Burpees

(5) rounds even

- rest 2 minutes-

Jump Rope

- rest 2 minutes-

(3) RFT:
10 WallBalls @ 15lbs
10 T2B

Finish with 400m run (1.0 incline, 8.5mph on treadmill)

(10 minute cap) 7:06

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Row for total calories -- 50 calories
HSPU - 23 reps
Pistols - 46 reps
Ball Slams @ 20lbs - 59 reps

Note: Rest 1 min between exercises

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

8 Rounds:

3 Back Squats @ 205lbs
:45 AirTrac (all-out effort)

*Rest 60 seconds between efforts

Sunday, January 26, 2014

10 RDS:

3 DB Snatches @ 50lbs (alt. arms)
6 Box Jumps @ 24"
9 V-Ups

Note: Done outside at No Excuses Crossfit

Friday, January 24, 2014

BUY IN: 500m Row (hard 500m; done in 1:51)

3 RDS:
10 DB Thrusters @ 37.5lbs
20 DB Swings @ 37.5lbs
30 Ball Slams @ 20lbs

CASH OUT: 300 Jump Ropes

Monday, January 20, 2014

12 Hang Power Cleans @ 115lbs
8 Hang Power Cleans @ 115lbs
4 Hang Power Cleans @ 115lbs

30 Ball  Slams @ 20lbs

4 Hang Power Cleans @ 115lbs
8 Hang Power Cleans @ 115lbs
12 Hang Power Cleans @ 115lbs

30 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
12 minutes to work to heavy hang snatch -- 120lbs

30 Back Squats @ 135lbs
30 Shoulder to Overhead @ 115lbs
30 Thrusters @ 115lbs

Friday, January 17, 2014

50 OHS @ 45lbs
100 Sit-ups
25 OHS @ 95lbs
50 GHD sit-ups
10 OHS @ 145lbs
25 Toes to Bar

Thursday, January 16, 2014

150 Singles
5 Shuttle Runs
120 Singles
4 Shuttle Runs
90 Singles
3 Shuttle Runs
60 Singles
2 Shuttle Runs
30 Singles
1 Shuttle Run


Note: A shuttle run consists of 5m out and back, 10m out and back, and 15m out and back.

Finish with Tabata Ball Slams. Held at (7) reps across all sets.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

For time (rest is mandatory and should be exact):

20 UB Wall Balls @ 15lbs
Rest 2:1
20 UB Wall Balls @ 15lbs
Rest 2:1
40 6" Target Burpees (touch TRX at top of jump)
No Rest
20 UB Wall Balls @ 15lbs
Rest 2:1
20 UB Wall Balls

Total Time: 10:49

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Complete 5 Rounds:
20 45lb Barbell Overhead Stepups -- 20" Box (10 Each Leg)
20 Evil Wheels
5 C2B Pullups

*For Overhead Stepups, place a 45lb barbell in an overhead squat or snatch position and perform Stepups onto a 20" box.
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

"Horrible Hundred"
25 Deadlifts, 185lbs
25 Cleans, 95lbs
25 Thrusters, 65lbs
25 SDHP, 45lbs

Use one bar, stripping plates away as needed.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


200m Run
15 Tough DB Swings -- 50lbs
12 Toes To Bar
9 Burpees -- touch TRX bar at top of jump

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Row: 3 x 1000m -- rest 1:1 -- 30 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 seconds from the fastest set.

1: 4:04.8
2: 4:04.4
3: 4:03.8

40 v-ups to finish with 4lb power bar.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

AMRAP 10 minutes of:

20 OWLS @ 45lbs
10 Ball Slams @ 20lbs

4 + 12 lunges

Monday, January 6, 2014

Power Clean
WU 95# x 3
WU 115# x 3




AMRAP 6 minutes of:
Power Clean @ 65% of 1RM (100lbs)
Toes to Bar

Finished 10's.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Hard Cindy"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Weighted pull-ups, 25 pounds
10 Push-ups with feet on 20" box
15 Squats holding a 45 pound plate

*Performed (5) rounds instead of AMRAP.

50 Hollow Rocks
50 Arch Rocks